#YouTube Silver Award


www.BoneyM.es® – 16/04/2022

Recientemente hemos recibido una grata noticia: YouTube® ha premiado a www.BoneyM.es® por haber alcanzado la cifra de 100 mil suscriptores en el canal YouTube BoneyM.es.

Es por ello que se nos ha otorgado el “Youtube Silver Award”, una placa que conmemora este gran hito.

Gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo. Sin vosotros este premio no hubiera sido posible.

www.BoneyM.es® (Oficial)

We have recently received some pleasant news: YouTube® has awarded www.BoneyM.es® for having reached 100,000 subscribers on the YouTube channel BoneyM.es.

That is why we have been awarded the «Youtbe Silver Award», a plaque that commemorates this great milestone.

Thank you all for your support. Without you this award would not have been possible.

www.BoneyM.es® (Official)